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Quarantine musician!
He wanders the semi-empty streets and entertains the residents of ...
Lecturer at the university and seller of newspapers!
Abu Jamal Al-Khatib sells old newspapers and books at the door of the ...
The "Homeless" movement in Brazil secures homes for the homeless
The Brazilian Homeless movement is working to solve the housing ...
The Arab community is achieving great successes in the state of the Amazon
The Arab community in the state of the Amazon (northern Brazil) is one ...
A Lebanese child who is skilled in the sport of horseback riding
The Lebanese knight, Al-Bara Araji, belongs to a family famous for ...
Tourist tour showing the beauty of the Brazilian city of Florianópolis
The Brazilian city of Florianopolis is an attractive city for ...
Lebanese in Brazil celebrate the 140th anniversary of their immigration
The Lebanese in Brazil are commemorating the 140th anniversary of ...
Sugar cultivation in Brazil and production stages
Brazil's sugar production is expected to increase by 40% during the ...
Youth attempts in Brazil to raise awareness about the issue of racism
Despite Brazil's tireless attempts to get rid of the effects of the ...
Brazil is waiting for its next president in a run-off
Brazil awaits its next president in the run-off.. Who will rule it? ...
Brazil succeeds in processing meat
Brazil succeeds in processing meat in a laboratory, with expectations ...
Projects in the Atlantic Forest are irritating environmentalists
The construction of a land port for logistics services and the ...
Syrian War Refugees - A Deadly Return Home | documentary
This episode of the “Ain Al-Makan” program opens one of the most ...
Facilitating procedures for the acquisition of weapons in Brazil
Controversy escalates in Brazil on the issue of permitting armaments ...
Brazil.. local elections despite the spread of the Corona virus
The holding of local Brazilian elections during the Corona epidemic ...
Despite the Corona pandemic... the start of easing lockdown measures in Brazil
The lockdown measures began gradually, a month after declaring a state ...
Brazil.. Unprecedented increases in the number of deaths and infections with the Corona virus
Brazil is witnessing an unprecedented increase in the number of deaths ...
Aspects of the life of former Brazilian President Michel Temer
Michel Tamer was the first president of Arab origins to assume the ...
National Coffee Day in Brazil
Brazil celebrates on May 24 every year the National Day of coffee, the ...
Museum documents the history of immigrants to Brazil
Among them are Arabs.. A museum in Sao Paulo documents the history of ...
Q+ around the world: Brazil
The opinions of Brazilian fans about the performance and organization ...
The indigenous people of the Amazon..
Dozens of indigenous tribes live in the Amazon Basin region of Brazil ...
White Army heroes in the face of Corona
This episode of the program  dealt with the conditions of the White ...
Avian influenza outbreaks in Brazil
Brazil accounts for 35% of global poultry meat exports, with a value ...
Artist turns the ashes of the Amazon fires into a huge mural
A Brazilian artist turns the ashes of the Amazon fires into a huge ...
Pico do Batman...a unique street in Brazil
Pico de Batman Street is a small alley in a neighborhood of Sao Paulo ...
Mansour el-Kikhia.. He went to Egypt and did not return
The "Mysterious Endings" program sheds light on the circumstances of ...
A Brazilian & a Lebanese inform people of the Palestinian cause in Sao Paulo
Muhammad al-Qadri is a Lebanese, born in Brazil, and Yahya is a ...
Al Jazeera camera monitors the details of life in the Amazon rivers
The Amazon River is one of the largest and most abundant rivers in the ...
An indigenous Amazonian girl who spreads her tribe's culture on social media
On the banks of the Amazon River, an indigenous girl emerged, who ...
A super Lebanese woman who pulls planes..
In a few years, Lebanese Siham Al-Qaseer transformed from a physical ...
The Arab community in Brazil records a remarkable presence in various fields
The Arab community in the city of Florianópolis, classified as the ...
Cyclist Muhammad al-Homsi travels 50 km daily to go to work in Beirut
Cyclist Muhammad al-Homsi gets up at dawn every day and rides his ...
Moroccan traveler Zakaria Al-Safari.. touring Latin America on a bicycle
On his bicycle, Moroccan Zakaria Al-Safari traveled to Brazil and ...
What hinders the implementation of the Arab Gas Pipeline project?
The program highlights the development of the Arab Gas Pipeline ...
Manaus is a Brazilian city famous for its rubber industry
Manaus is the capital of the state of the Amazon in the northern ...
Class inequality in Brazil
Indicators of class disparity in Brazil showed a widening gap between ...
Brazil.. a plan to take advantage of sports betting markets
After the increasing demand for it.. How does Brazil plan to take ...
High rates of hunger in Brazil during the Corona pandemic
The Latin American continent is facing a significant rise in hunger ...
The repercussions of the Corona pandemic prompt Ford to close all of its factories in Brazil
The repercussions of the Corona pandemic exacerbated pressure on the ...
Failed coup attempt in Brazil!
Brazil.. government officials arrested, riots and clashes between ...
Scrap collecting in Brazil is a social phenomenon that is gaining attention
The number of scrap collectors in Brazil is about 800 thousand people. ...
Cobra is a Brazilian artist and owner of the largest mural in the world
The Brazilian Eduardo Cobra is considered one of the most famous mural ...
A smart electronic application to help autistic children
The report reviews the story of two parents in Brazil who discovered ...
Investigations in Brazil reveal the level of risk of "mad cow disease"
After some countries stopped their imports of meat... Investigations ...
The case of the Amazon rainforest in Brazil
The issue of the Amazon rainforest in Brazil is witnessing an ...
Brazil.. a drought crisis that affected energy production
Brazil is facing a drought crisis due to the scarcity of rain, the ...
"Everything Plays" turns waste into musical instruments!
In Sao Paulo, Brazil, a band under the slogan "Everything Plays" turns ...
Dancing without sight!
At the end of 2003, the Instituto de Cegos decided to end the group's ...
The most famous artist twins in Brazil
Gustavio and Octavio are twins, born in 1974, and now they have become ...